Monday, April 15, 2013

This is a very simple video on who the 6 biggest conglomerates are and how much of the media they control. In 1983 there were 50 corporations controlling various forms of media and today there are 6. It isn't good that we have 6 giant company's controlling mass forms of outreach because by doing this the company can spread their own agenda through all their access through the media, good or bad. Disney for example owns ABC Family, ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, Lifetime, E, History Channel, Soap Net, and A&E. And this is just the TV networks that they own, not mentioning the TV/radio stations as well as the content and production company's that they own. So now that Disney, Viacom, CBS, GE, Time Warner, and News Corp own virtually every aspect of the media in many forms, they will be able to push their personal agenda and quite literally control what people are exposed to, for how long, and what type an affect it has. It turns out the agenda of these mega conglomerates are changing the internal aspect in which we view our forms of media. Many people do not pay attention to how transnational media conglomeration and synergy can have an affect on them, and this is where education comes in. We need to educate the ignorant on who owns what, and what they're potentially able to do with the power that this corporations have.

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